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How to Choose a Plastic Fabrication Company

November 20, 2016 5:03 pm Published by

The rise and prevalence of plastics created a boom in industries of all types. They have made many aspects of our lives easier in ways that we now tend to take for granted. Because of this importance and prevalence, there are now many companies that specialize in plastic fabrication, acting as a manufacturer and supplier specifically of plastic parts for other manufacturing companies. With so many choices available, how do these companies decide which plastic fabricator they are willing to work with? There are a number of factors that might go into this decision. Here are some tips about how to choose a plastic fabrication company in Orem, UT: Research their work: Know exactly what kind of work a plastic... View Article

Types of Plastic Fabrication Service

November 5, 2016 5:01 pm Published by

At D&D Plastics, we provide a wide variety of plastic fabrication services. There are quite a few different methods of plastic fabrication, each of which can be used to achieve different goals and purposes. Here are a few of those most common methods of plastic fabrication service in Orem, UT: Plastic welding: You are likely familiar with metal welding, which involves melting two or more pieces of metal together. The process is essentially the same with plastic—it’s just much easier to melt plastic. It is a particularly useful process for handling various types of thermoplastics that are otherwise unsuitable for binding with adhesives. Plastic welding can be performed by using methods such as hot gas emissions, spinning, contact welding or... View Article