Categories for ISO Certification

What Is Being ISO Certified for Thermoforming?

August 8, 2023 4:08 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

What Is Being ISO Certified for Thermoforming? ISO certification is an internationally recognized standard that signifies an organization’s commitment to quality and continuous improvement. Many industries, including thermoforming, seek ISO certification to demonstrate their adherence to stringent quality management practices. This blog post aims to explore what it means for a thermoforming company to be ISO certified and the benefits it brings. Understanding Thermoforming: Thermoforming is a manufacturing process that involves heating a plastic sheet and forming it over a mold to create a desired shape. The process is widely used in industries such as packaging, automotive, medical, and aerospace, among others. Thermoformed products can range from disposable cups and trays to intricate aircraft components. The Importance of ISO Certification:... View Article