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How Can I Use Vacuum Forming For Concrete Molds?

March 9, 2023 4:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

How It Works  Vacuum forming, also called thermoforming, is the process of heating a plastic sheet and stretching it over a mold or pattern. This type of molding from D&D Plastics can be used to create a variety of parts, including concrete molds. It is particularly popular for contoured packaging that requires high precision and detail, such as food storage containers or medical equipment that meets stringent sterilization guidelines.  During the vacuum forming process, a thermoplastic sheet is heated until it becomes soft, then stretched over the mold and suck down tightly using vacuum pressure. This process creates durable, reusable, and highly sturdy parts that can support rapid prototyping. Once the part is formed, it’s trimmed and cooled. A band... View Article

When To Use Plexiglass as a Building Material

March 7, 2022 12:00 am Published by Leave your thoughts

For decades, plexiglass has been a go-to building material for a variety of projects. Because of its strength and durability, it is often preferred over glass. Not only is plexiglass strong and versatile, but it is also considered much safer than glass. Let’s look at a few of the ways plexiglass can be used for your building projects. Windows If you are looking for glass alternatives for windows, acrylic windows might be a good option for you. You will get the same look and feel like glass but without safety and security concerns. In addition to these benefits, plexiglass is also a more cost-effective option. If staying within a strict budget is an important aspect of your construction projects, this... View Article