November 23, 2020 7:47 pm
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What should you consider as you navigate plastic sheets sales? There are seven main factors that should be on your list. These will determine which plastic sheet sales in Utah are best for your project needs. Temperature What are the temperature requirements of your project? Does the plastic need to be able to withstand high temperatures? Be sure to choose a material that meets the minimum requirements and won’t soften too quickly. Chemicals Some plastic sheet options offer great chemical resistance. Carefully consider what environmental exposures your plastic needs to withstand as you choose your plastic. Partner with experts in plastic sheet sales in Utah to review all the parts that will be involved with your product to ensure they... View Article
May 26, 2020 9:53 pm
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Someone once said that the key to innovation was to find a problem no one had solved before, and then solve it. Of course, that’s easier said than done, but the premise is sound. If you’re creative enough to have discovered an idea that could change the world or solve a big problem, then it’s time to get moving. It’s hard work—you’ll need to put in the effort, you’ll need to think of ways to build a prototype (like finding different plastic sheet uses in Utah) and you’ll need an ally you can trust. Record, record, record The most important thing you can do to get your great idea made is take notes. A lot of would-be creatives think that... View Article
April 6, 2020 10:07 pm
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As plastic designers, developers and manufacturers, the team at D&D Plastics is familiar with the multitude of uses for hard plastic sheets—which is why we have plastic sheets for sale in their raw form to other manufacturers in Utah and beyond. Deciding which kind of sheets to use for your specific project depends on several different factors, as not every type will be suitable for your needs. Types of plastic sheets Rigid vinyl film: Rigid vinyl film, also known as rigid PVC, can be used for a range of different products, from packaging to gift cards. It comes in a wide variety of different colors, gauges and finishes, making it versatile on top of being budget-friendly. Rigid vinyl film is... View Article
February 13, 2020 12:05 am
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At D&D Plastics, we’ve been in the plastics business for quite some time, so we have a significant amount of experience in working with sheet plastics for just about any end purpose you can think of. When you’re in need of the best plastic sheets in Utah for an upcoming project, it’s important that you know the differences between the most common varieties of plastic sheets so you can choose the exact right material for your needs. There are four main categories of plastic sheets, and within those categories there are many different specific types of plastics that you can choose from. Let’s take a very broad look at each of these categories. Acrylic sheets Acrylic sheets make ideal substitutes... View Article
July 15, 2019 10:28 pm
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Are you familiar with the various types of plastic sheets in Utah and their recommended uses? If not, you might not realize just how versatile this material is, and you could be missing out on some of its benefits. Following is an overview of the basic types of plastic and their common applications. For additional information, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local experts on plastic sheets in Utah. Polyethylene (PE) This is the most common plastic. It’s so common, in fact, that you probably encounter it, not just once, but several times each day during normal activities. Polyethylene comes in four basic densities: low, medium, high and ultra-high molecular weight. Low density is found in items such as... View Article